Wuxi Opera faces the threat of extinction! Wuxi opera is one of the three most popular types of opera in the East of China; representing stories, local history, legends, among other topics. Lamentably, at the moment it is going through a difficult situation. Over the years, young people have lost the interest on this influential, priceless and valuable cultural legacy. The new generations don't know and they have no conscious of the great value of this art and how it is a part of their culture. Fortunately, the Wuxi Opera still has some loyal followers, old people who know, recognize, enjoy, admire and appreciate these performances. But, sadly this is not enough. Due to this situation, Wuxi city started to look for strategies and alternatives in order to rescue this legacy, and incentive young people to learn and appreciate this cultural heritage.

Likewise, parents are encouraging their children to learn more about the Wuxi Opera and how to be part of it. In this way, future generations will have the opportunity to discover, understand and of course, enjoy the most beautiful and popular opera in the East of China. Now, click on this amazing video and let’s start supporting the Wuxi Opera... Is our duty!