Zhang Hanren, a stone carving master, is the main character of this story. Master Hanren started the art of “Stone Carving”, due to different difficulties and circumstances in his life. However, and despite the different situations, they never stopped him, and now, he is recognized and well-known as a master in this amazing art, an art in which he began as an apprentice, and today he is the best in it. After years of hard work and learning the best practices, he founded his own company, where he is always looking forward to staying updated with the last technologies and tendencies. Hence and thanks to his master, he learned the basic foundations of the art, and through the years, he has learned new methods, techniques, and new materials. At the moment, his company works along with different Art Academies, such as the Art Academy from Xiamen University, among others. His company is already a very renowned company in the Chinese market. Furthermore, people differentiate his work from others, because of his technique, the different materials he uses, and his great creativity. If you want to learn more about the amazing statues that Master Zhang Hanren and his colleagues have created, start carving yourself in the following video... You will regret if you don’t.