In 2015 Nepal suffered a terrible disaster, a severe earthquake that killed nearly 9.000 people and injured nearly 22.000. It is considered the worst natural disaster that has strike this region since the 1934 Nepal-Bihar. This day, Nepalese people in a matter of minutes lost their beloved family members and homes. Moreover, different infrastructures and cultural heritage in Katmandu as well as in nearby towns were destroyed or damaged.

As a result of this tragedy, numerous people both local and from all around the world joined towards a common goal: to reconstruct and to bring back life to this beautiful and historic place; where the Hindu and Buddhist temples are shared locations of worship. A philanthropist will present a -before and after- of the earthquake. She will share with us her experience and thoughts. This story will allow us to comprehend their needs along with their dreams. We will get to know how Nepalese people are looking to get through this experience despite the hard situation and the limited resources. So, wait no more, let's join together to give the people of Nepal a hand!

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

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